Rob Thomas was a member of popular American band Matchbox 20 before he started a solo career. He discusses why he became a songwriter, how he started, and the methods to his madness. Thomas says that his songwriting days began as a 14 year old kid, talking about how awful it was and how he's progressed. However, the process he believes, is rewarding. He says, "I like the way it makes me feel to write. I enjoy the process of coming up with something out of nowhere. I like the idea of having a trip from walking down the street having a song stuck in my head, to hearing it on the record, hearing all the parts done, and having it on the radio where other people get to hear it." Thomas says it's a good way to unjumble complications of life and make some sense of things; almost like a sense of sanity. The songwriter talks about a sort of hidden method used by others as well as himself. He starts to get into the song, and vowels will just start to come out. One could say its like "getting into it," or ,"feeling it." The and's, if's, and or's (little details), Rob Thomas says, is his specialty when it comes to critiqueing his own work. Placing yourself, so to speak, when writing he says, is always important. "Always put yourself there when writing a song; sometimes it just pours out of you like you've already written it, and others you just have to sit there and think."
I thought this video was a different, yet interesting way to look at songwriting. It gave a more raw sense to it, seeing the actual passion of the songwriter himself. Rob Thomas seems like the kind who is more into "feeling" the song rather than sitting down and doing the math like some of the more technical artists of the business. It's much easier to interpret an artist's feel for the song when seeing their face, rather than just words on paper.
You need a correct citation. Good choice of artist!45/50